Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007 memories.

We love it that our house is big enough for the WHOLE FAMILY!! And we love it that they are all willing to drive forever to get here!!
Thanksgiving was wonderful! We ate and ate and ate some more! And enjoyed being together with all the Les Gropp family!! We were glad that Ted was able to make it home!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Well, here are the beautiful baby pictures of our new one!! Yes, it is a baby. Anyone like to venture a guess as to what KIND of a baby it is??

Okay, I'll end the suspense!! (cuz I sure have no idea how to tell from that picture!)
My midwife swears it's a boy!! I asked her how sure she was and she said she would bet the farm on it!! so....IT'S A BOY!!

We are really excited!! A friend for Matthew!! We haven't decided on a name for sure yet! Go ahead and send suggestions! I want an "M" name. (I'm trying to warm Scott and the boys up to the name "Mason". It's not working so well!)

The baby is due February 27th. We are kind of hoping for the 29th! (Are we cruel?)

It's fun to share this way!! Thanks, Tol, for getting me started!! Now I'll never be able to stop!